Landing Page Magic

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

We have recently been working with a large solar panel website that provides solar panel pricing information. This is an interesting market as the government has really stimulated growth in this market by introducing Feed In Tariff subsidies.

These subsidies have caused a great deal of consumer interest and have created more demand for solar panels. From a historical SEO perspective, there have been some solar panel companies within the market for years but the subsidies have caused a lot of growth in new companies and installers. Competition is now getting intense when it used not to be.

A command line search engine for the more geek minded

Quick and clever photo searching

Quick testing for SEOs and coders

Creating videos from your screen

Create “Lorum Ipsum” text for designs

Why does SES London (Feb 2009) dedicate so little time to Landing Pages? It would be great to see more landing page sessions within the conference. Landing pages are as important as search engine marketing and search engine optimisation in any progressive web company. See the line up. It would be great to see Johnathan Mendez there.
